Welcome To The By The Bay Health Virtual Brand Launch! Request for Business Cards/Photo ID Request for Business Cards/Photo ID FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL TO BE PROCESSED. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY.DATE SUBMITTED:Date Submitted:PHOTO ID BADGEFirst Name*Middle Name InitialLast Name*Credentials (Optional)Job TitleVolunteer Volunteer My gender pronouns are (ex. She/her/hers; he/him/his; they/them/theirs, etc.)I would prefer not to list my pronouns. I would prefer not to list my pronouns. BUSINESS CARDSFirst Name*Last Name*Credentials (Optional)Job Title*My gender pronouns are (ex. She/her/hers; he/him/his; they/them/theirs, etc.)I would prefer not to list my pronouns. I would prefer not to list my pronouns. License No.: (if required)Office San Francisco Address and Street NameCityStateZipOffice Sonoma Address and Street NameCityStateZipOffice Larkspur Address and Street NameCityStateZipWhich Service line do you work for?Skilled Home Health Care (Incare/Healing at Home)HospicePalliativeAdmin (HR/IT/Dev/Acct.)HodgepodgeOtherOffice NumberMobile/Direct NumberNote: General office number is used for all employees except managers. Managers, enter your direct office number and/or company-issued cell phone number if you want those on your business cardsFax NumberNote: Employees will automatically have their site’s fax number included unless otherwise noted hereEmail* Note: Please enter your current email address without @hbtb.org, i.e. first initial + last name.Note: Due to HIPAA concerns, email addresses are not used for clinicians (except supervisors).SUPERVISOR INFORMATIONSupervisor Name*Supervisor E-mail* T-SHIRT SIZET-Shirt Size*Select SizeMens SmallMens MediumMens LargeMens XLMens XXLWomens SmallWomens MediumWomens LargeWomens XLWomens XXLCommentsComments0 of 50 max characters